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What to do if your child is ill or absent from school

Although attendance at nursery and pre-school is not statutory we believe regular, punctual attendance will establish good habits that will support them throughout their lives.

To achieve this, the Governors and staff are committed to working in partnership with parents/carers to ensure that the school achieves a high rate attendance.

The Government expects schools to:

  • Promote good attendance and reduce absence, including persistent absence (less than 90%);
  • Ensure every pupil has access to the education, to which they are entitled; and,
  • Act early to address patterns of absence.

We have decided to adopt these expectations in our setting.

Please either call or email the school office to notify us of any absences. 

01946 810846 or

Attendance Policy

Make parents/carers aware during welcome conversations of our attendance policy. It is also available on our website.

School Start time – Flexible

Between 8.45 and 9am

If arrival past 9am (without prior discussion with the setting) attendance will be recorded as “late attendance”

If you do have difficulties, please talk to us. we may be able to help

Unable to attend – Notify school on the first day of absence before 9.15am by phone/email.

If a message has not been received by 9.30 or 1.15 for pm attendance a phone call will be made home to determine the reason and absence length. 


Advice and support may be given in relation to illnesses identified on the Guidance for Infection Control in Schools. 

Register – Classteacher will take register for each session.

 Report of attendance to be given to parents/carers each term and at end of year.

Safeguarding and missing children

Concerns in relation to a child’s welfare - procedure to be followed in line with child protection and safeguarding policies.

All staff to have read and signed to say they have read the latest Keeping children Safe in Schools guidance.


Although we are now living with Covid 19 people are still understandably fearful of an outbreak. We need to be mindful of these issues when discussing attendance. This also applies to identified families with additional health needs.

 Advice from the Little Orange Book 

25963 covid poster for parents.pdf


guidance on infection control in schools poster.pdf