Admissions policy & Procedure
Our aim of this policy is to provide a fair and just admission procedure free from any discrimination for all children and to set out the procedure to be followed when a new child applies to joins our setting.
A visit is arranged with a senior member of the Preschool staff, to show prospective families around and answering any questions they have.
An ‘expression of interest’ form will be completed by the family giving details of the days and times they would like their child to attend. A brief information booklet is provided at this point and more detailed information prior to admission.
Information will be given to parents/carers at this point regarding fee’s.
Every effort will be made to accommodate children wishing to attend preschool, while adhering to requirements from Ofsted.
Any child who has had their first immunisations or is at the age of first immunisations will be eligible to attend.
Our admissions are based on a waiting list system, priority will be given to those who have been on the waiting list longest.
Adult: child ratio’s must be adhered to at all times,
The place being offered must be financially beneficial for the preschool or must not make us run at a loss.
Where possible we aim to provided preferred session times, or provide alternative days/ times if these are not available.
We operate a 6 hour minimum booking per week.
No child or family will be discriminated against on the grounds of marital status, age, gender, culture, religious belief, ethnic origin or sexual orientation.
Prior to the admission we will require a completed personal details form.
When the place has been confirmed we will arrange a series of 3 induction visits (see settling in policy). At this stage a contract must be signed and all other necessary information must be provided.
Children's confidential contact information, medical records, dietary requirements and permission slips will be stored in a locked cupboard and must be in place before start date.
Applications will be considered with within a week of being received.
Parents will be contacted to acknowledge receipt and advise them of the availability of a place, or when a place may become available.
If a child is on a waiting list the family will be contacted at regular intervals to ask if they still require the place & to keep them informed of the situation.
The receipt of all enquiries/ applications will be recorded and dated.