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Our Principles and Practice


The Governors and staff of our school believe passionately in providing the best possible care and educational opportunities for ALL the children attending our setting.

We strive to do this be providing an environment in which parents can be confident that their children feel safe, valued and well cared for and where they can be active in their learning and reach their potential.

In order to do this we aim to:

  1. Provide a safe and stimulating environment that will provide opportunities to learn through active involvement and play. 
  2. Develop independence, caring and co-operation among all our children.
  3. Encourage a positive 'have-a-go' attitude and help children to have the confidence and resilience to make and learn from their own mistakes.
  4. Work closely with parents to really get to know each child who attends the setting and through close observation plan meaningful learning activities based on the child's own interests. 
  5. Develop the 'whole child', having regard to the, social, emotional, spiritual, moral, physical, creative and intellectual aspects of each child.


Our practice describes the way that we work to meet our aims throughout the setting.

  1. We employ staff with Nationally recognised qualifications in Child Care & Development and maintain their knowledge and understanding through Continuing Professional Development.
  2. We follow the guidance laid out in the Revised Early Years Foundation Stage and provide a broad and balanced curriculum covering the curriculum areas of Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development Communication & Language, Mathematics, Understanding the World, Literacy and Expressive Arts and Design.
  3. We provide a 'key worker' for each child who attends our setting. This is the person with primary responsibility for settling your child into nursery, liaising closely with parents, observing and keeping your child's records up to date.
  4. We plan learning activities by first observing the children in their self chosen play, assessing their existing knowledge, skills and understanding and planning a combination of adult led and independent play activities to move them along the road to a deeper understanding.
  5. We keep parents informed on their child's progress regularly and encourage them to be actively involved in their child's education.
  6. We keep detailed records on each individual child's learning and development and use this information to plan learning opportunities which are relevant and interesting to them.