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COVID precautions

We are pleased to welcome back all families to both our childcare and nursery class from September 2020.


Staff and Governors have been working with the Local Authority and Public Health to ensure we have done everything we can to keep our whole school community as safe as possible.

This has included measures such as:

  • carrying out extensive and thorough risk assessments for all aspects of school life affected by COVID 19
  • staggered start times to enable safe social distancing for families
  • limiting the amount of contact between childcare and nursery classes to minimise the potential effect of a positive case
  • opening up out outdoor area for exercise and outdoor learning
  • putting in place an enhanced cleaning regime indoors and outside
  • training for staff in implementing the correct use of PPE when needed
  • putting in place procedures for suspected cases of COVID 19

However, parents need to be aware that our school is operating as a single bubble so that all our children have access to childcare outside the core school hours. This will potentially mean that if we have a positive case of COVID 19 in our school the whole setting may be asked to close and everyone working or attending may have to isolate at home for 14 days. In this event we will take advice from the local authority and Public Health England to identify “close contacts” of the affected person and the actions needed to keep everyone safe.

Below you can find links to letters, documents and guides that you may find useful for reference. 

Please be assured that we are following all relevant health and safety guidance to help prevent the spread of the virus. Please ensure we have your up-to-date contact details otherwise we cannot keep you informed.


Procedures nursery will follow if there is a suspected COVID case

Letter to parents form Public Health England 

Letter to parents from Cumbria County Council re returning to schools

PHE information on getting tested

What to do if someone you share a home with has symptoms 

Stay at home guidance